Where our relationships
are real and authentic.
House Groups are intentional times throughout the week for people to gather in homes, around the dining table and in the living room. Whether it's sharing a meal, enjoying a dessert, studying the Bible, or just catching up midweek. House Groups exist to bring people together, deepen community, and help us grow with one another!
Group Types
House Groups emphasize gathering in homes around the dining table or in the living room. This looks like dinner parties, Bible & book studies, game nights, or simply times of fellowship.
Group Cycles
Our House Groups are not set in stone. They differ from cycle to cycle. Here is a breakdown of when you can expect House Groups to happen
February 25 - April 27 (8 weeks)
June 2 - July 13 (6 Weeks)
October 13 - November 23 (6 Weeks)
Group Hosts
Interested in hosting a House Group? Sign up and let us know what kind of group you’d like to host!